2010 : Ambigu – Kunstmuseum St. Gallen


Ambigu, Kunstmuseum St. Gallen

Contemporary Painting between Abstraction and Narration June 5 - September 12, 2010

Ambigu (french) means as much as undecided, ambiguous. The painting of the 20th century, however, stood for unambiguous artistic positions. Characterized by the fundamental contrast between figurative and abstract pictorial traditions, the latter became the hallmark of modernism, but also led to the much-cited end of painting. Postmodernism put an end to the notions of artistic avant-gardes and, with its anything goes, opened up the field of painterly possibilities.

Curator: Konrad Bitterli


2011 : Mai 36 Gallery Zurich


2009 : Mai 36 Gallery Zurich